Friday, December 16, 2011

Handchime Performance

This morning we traveled over to the high school to hear a Christmas Handchime Performance from Ms. White's 8th grade General Music Class. They were very good and the students really enjoyed hearing the festive holiday music. Here are a few pictures from the event. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Party

Christmas Party

December 20, 2011

Dear Parents,
      Our Christmas party will be Tuesday, December 20th.  We thought we would relieve some stress and time off of your hands this year and do something a little different…If your child is going to attend the Christmas party, we would appreciate it if you would send $3.00 for the treats.  We will go purchase the treats.  This will allow us to have a variety of treats and make sure that we don’t have too many duplicates.  Please send $3.00 by Thursday December 15th. 

Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Murders, Mrs. Reeves, and Mrs. Chuang

***If you are willing to help by sponsoring another student that would be great!! You can just send the extra money with your child. Thanks in advance for your generosity!!