Friday, January 7, 2011

Literacy News

In Literacy, we recently started reading the book Small Steps: The Year I Got Polio by Peg Kehret. The book is an autobiography. It discusses the year that she, Peg Schulze, was diagnosed with Polio. The book does a fabulous job of describing everything that 12 year old Peg went through during that horrible time in her life. The kids are enjoying the book and learning about the 1940's epidemic.

Also we are beginning something new this semester...READING HOMEWORK!!!!! Reading homework consist of 60 minutes of reading at home per week. The students must fill out a reading log, and then have their parent or guardian sign the form. The only way to receive full credit is to read the full amount, fill out the form, and then have a parent sign the form. Homework is due EVERY TUESDAY!!!!